7. MyST Markdown cheatsheet¶
Credits: This page is copied from the Jupyterbook Myst Cheatsheet
7.1. Headers¶
Syntax |
Example |
Note |
# Heading level 1
## Heading level 2
### Heading level 3
#### Heading level 4
##### Heading level 5
###### Heading level 6
# MyST Cheat Sheet
Level 1-6 headings, denoted by number of |
7.2. Target headers¶
Syntax |
Example |
Note |
# MyST Cheat Sheet
See below how to reference target headers. |
7.2.1. Referencing target headers¶
Targets can be referenced with the ref inline role which uses the section title by default:
You can specify the text of the target:
{ref}`MyST syntax lecture <myst_cheatsheet>`
Another alternative is to use Markdown syntax:
[MyST syntax lecture](myst_cheatsheet)
7.3. Quote¶
Syntax |
Example |
Note |
> text
> this is a quote
quoted text |
7.4. Thematic break¶
Syntax |
Example |
Note |
This is the end of some text.
## New Header
Creates a horizontal line in the output |
7.5. Line comment¶
Syntax |
Example |
Note |
% text
a line
% a comment
another line
See Comments for more information. |
7.6. Block break¶
Syntax |
Example |
Result |
This is an example of
+++ {"meta": "data"}
a block break
This is an example of a block break |
7.7. HTML block¶
Syntax |
Example |
Result |
<tagName> text <tagName>
<p> This is a paragraph </p>
This is a paragraph |
7.8. Links¶
Syntax |
Example |
Result |
[Jupyter Book](https://jupyterbook.org)
[PDF documentation](./images/C-3PO_droid.png)
PDF documentation |
[text](target "title")
[Jupyter Book](https://jupyterbook.org "JB Homepage")
[Jupyter Book][intro_page]
[intro_page]: https://jupyterbook.org
7.9. Lists¶
7.9.1. Ordered list¶
Example |
Result |
1. First item
2. Second item
1. First sub-item
1. First item
2. Second item
* First sub-item
7.9.2. Unordered list¶
Example |
Result |
* First item
* Second item
* First subitem
* First item
1. First subitem
2. Second subitem
7.10. Tables¶
Syntax |
Example |
Result |
| a | b |
| :--- | ---: |
| c | d |
| Training | Validation |
| :------------ | -------------: |
| 0 | 5 |
| 13720 | 2744 |
:header-rows: 1
* - Col1
- Col2
* - Row1 under Col1
- Row1 under Col2
* - Row2 under Col1
- Row2 under Col2
:header-rows: 1
:name: example-table
* - Training
- Validation
* - 0
- 5
* - 13720
- 2744
```{list-table} Table title
:header-rows: 1
* - Col1
- Col2
* - Row1 under Col1
- Row1 under Col2
* - Row2 under Col1
- Row2 under Col2
```{list-table} This table title
:header-rows: 1
* - Training
- Validation
* - 0
- 5
* - 13720
- 2744
7.10.1. Referencing tables¶
In order to reference a table you must add a label to it.
To add a label to your table simply include a :name:
parameter followed by the label of your table.
In order to add a numbered reference, you
must also include a table title. See example above.
Syntax |
Example |
Result |
{numref}`example-table` is an example.
Table 7.1 is an example. |
{ref}`text <label>`
This {ref}`table <example-table>` is an example.
This table is an example. |
{numref}`text %s <label>`
{numref}`Tbl %s <example-table>` is an example.
Tbl 7.1 is an example. |
7.11. Admonitions¶
Syntax |
Example |
Result |
```{admonition} Title
```{admonition} This is a title
An example of an admonition with a title.
This is a title An example of an admonition with a title. |
or ```{note} text
some more text...
```{note} Notes require **no** arguments,
so content can start here.
Note Notes require no arguments, so content can start here. |
```{warning} text
some more text...
```{warning} This is an example
of a warning directive.
Warning This is an example of a warning directive. |
```{tip} text
some more text...
```{tip} This is an example
of a tip directive.
Tip This is an example of a tip directive. |
```{caution} text
some more text...
```{caution} This is an example
of a caution directive.
Caution This is an example of a caution directive. |
```{attention} text
some more text...
```{attention} This is an example
of an attention directive.
Attention This is an example of an attention directive. |
```{danger} text
some more text...
```{danger} This is an example
of a danger directive.
Danger This is an example of a danger directive. |
```{error} text
some more text...
```{error} This is an example
of an error directive.
Error This is an example of an error directive. |
```{hint} text
some more text...
```{hint} This is an example
of a hint directive.
Hint This is an example of a hint directive. |
```{important} text
some more text...
```{important} This is an example
of an important directive.
Important This is an example of an important directive. |
7.12. Figures and images¶
See ../content/figures and ../file-types/markdown for more information.
7.12.1. Referencing figures¶
Syntax |
Example |
Result |
{numref}`figure-example`is a
figure example.
Fig. 7.29 is a figure example. |
{numref}`text %s <label>`
{numref}`Figure %s <figure-example>`
is an example.
Figure 7.29 is an example. |
{ref}`text <label>`
This {ref}`figure <figure-example>`
is an example.
This figure is an example. |
7.13. Math¶
Syntax |
Example |
Result |
Inline |
This is an example of an
inline equation $z=\sqrt{x^2+y^2}$.
This is an example of an inline equation \(z=\sqrt{x^2+y^2}\). |
Math blocks |
This is an example of a
math block
This is an example of a math block
Math blocks with labels |
This is an example of a
math block with a label
$$ (mylabel)
This is an example of a math block with a label
Math directives |
This is an example of a
math directive with a
:label: eq-label
This is an example of a math directive with a label
See ../content/math for more information.
7.14. Code¶
7.14.1. In-line code¶
Wrap in-line code blocks in backticks: `boolean example = true;`.
Wrap in-line code blocks in backticks: boolean example = true;
7.14.2. Code and syntax highlighting¶
note = "Python syntax highlighting"
No syntax highlighting if no language
is indicated.
note = "Python syntax highlighting"
No syntax highlighting if no language
is indicated.
7.14.3. Executable code¶
Make sure to include this front-matter YAML block at the beginning of your .ipynb
or .md
formats: md:myst
extension: .md
format_name: myst
display_name: Python 3
language: python
name: python3
```{code-cell} ipython3
note = "Python syntax highlighting"
See ../file-types/myst-notebooks for more information. Tags¶
The following tags
can be applied to code cells by introducing them as options:
Tag option |
Description |
Example |
Cell takes up all of the horizontal space |
```{code-cell} ipython3
:tags: ["full-width"]
print("This is a test.")
Make output cell scrollable |
```{code-cell} ipython3
:tags: ["output_scroll"]
for ii in range(100):
print("This is a test.")
Move code cell to the right margin |
```{code-cell} ipython3
:tags: ["margin"]
print("This is a test.")
Hide cell but the display the outputs |
```{code-cell} ipython3
:tags: ["hide-input"]
print("This is a test.")
Hide the outputs of a cell |
```{code-cell} ipython3
:tags: ["hide-output"]
print("This is a test.")
Hides inputs and outputs of code cell |
```{code-cell} ipython3
:tags: ["hide-cell"]
print("This is a test.")
Remove the inputs of a cell |
```{code-cell} ipython3
:tags: ["remove-input"]
print("This is a test.")
Remove the outputs of a cell |
```{code-cell} ipython3
:tags: ["remove-output"]
print("This is a test.")
Remove the entire code cell |
```{code-cell} ipython3
:tags: ["remove-cell"]
print("This is a test.")
Mark cell as “expected to error” |
```{code-cell} ipython3
:tags: ["raises-exception"]
while True print('Hello world')
7.14.4. Gluing variables¶
```{code-cell} ipython3
from myst_nb import glue
my_variable = "here is some text!"
glue("glued_text", my_variable)
Here is an example of how to glue text: {glue:}`glued_text`
Here is an example of how to glue text:
See glue/gluing for more information.
7.14.5. Gluing numbers¶
```{code-cell} ipython3
from myst_nb import glue
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
ss = pd.Series(np.random.randn(4))
ns = pd.Series(np.random.randn(100))
glue("ss_mean", ss.mean())
glue("ns_mean", ns.mean(), display=False)
Here is an example of how to glue numbers: {glue:}`ss_mean` and {glue:}`ns_mean`.
Here is an example of how to glue numbers: and .
See glue/gluing for more information.
7.14.6. Gluing visualizations¶
```{code-cell} ipython3
from myst_nb import glue
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
x = np.linspace(0, 10, 200)
y = np.sin(x)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x, y, 'b-', linewidth=2)
glue("glued_fig", fig, display=False)
This is an inline glue example of a figure: {glue:}`glued_fig`.
This is an example of pasting a glued output as a block:
```{glue:} glued_fig
This is an inline glue example of a figure: . This is an example of pasting a glued output as a block:
See glue/gluing for more information.
7.14.7. Gluing math¶
```{code-cell} ipython3
import sympy as sym
x, y = sym.symbols('x y')
z = sym.Function('z')
z = sym.sqrt(x**2+y**2)
glue("example_eq", z, display=False)
To glue a math equation try
```{glue:math} example_eq
:label: glue-eq-example
To glue a math equation try:
See for more information.
7.15. Reference documents¶
Syntax |
Example |
Result |
See {doc}`../content/citations`
for more information.
See ../content/citations for more information. |
{doc}`text <path/to/document>`
See {doc}`here <../content/citations>`
for more information.
See here for more information. |
7.16. Footnotes¶
Syntax |
Example |
Result |
[^ref]: Footnote text
This is an example of a footnote.[^footnote1]
[^footnote1]: The definition for referencing
footnotes is generally placed at the bottom
of the document.
This is a footnote reference.1 |
See Footnotes for more information.
7.17. Citations¶
Make sure you have a reference bibtex file. You can create one by:
touch bibliography-faircookbook.bib
Syntax |
Example |
Result |
This example generates the following
citation {cite}`Gu2020`.
This example generates the following citation [GHRSS20]. |
To include a list of citations mentioned in the document, introduce the bibliography
:filter: docname in docnames
W. Gu, S. Hasan, P. Rocca-Serra, and V. P. Satagopam. Road to effective data curation for translational research. Drug Discov Today, Dec 2020.
- 1
This is the footnote definition.